Egg Freezing: FAQ
What is egg freezing?
Egg freezing is a process where your eggs are collected from your ovaries and then frozen and stored. This process will allow you to use your young eggs to try for children at a future date when the time is right for you. Egg freezing can alleviate the pressure that surrounds important life choices, like finding a partner, pursuing a career, education or even travel. While it is not a guarantee, it gives reassurance that you are giving yourself the best possible chance of conceiving in the years ahead when the time is right.
Why should someone freeze eggs?
Having your family might not be a priority or part of your plan yet, but biology hasn’t changed with modern times. Fertility doesn’t last forever, and egg freezing can take some of the pressure off around important life choices and keep options open. Having your fertility tested will let you know if this is something you should consider.
Why does fertility decline?
The chance of conceiving naturally declines as we age because the amount and quality of the eggs in the ovaries diminishes over time. Freezing eggs in your twenties ensures that your younger and better quality eggs are available for you to use at a later time, should treatment become necessary.
When should I freeze my eggs?
Ideally, in your late twenties or early thirties. Egg freezing does not decrease your chance of conceiving naturally, it provides reassurance that if you have trouble conceiving later, you have the best possible chance of conceiving in the years ahead when the time is right.
How would I use the eggs later?
If you need to use the eggs later, the eggs will be thawed, fertilised with sperm from a partner or donor, and cultured to become embryos. The embryo(s) will be transferred to your uterus to produce a pregnancy. The younger you are when you freeze your eggs, the more successful they will be at producing a pregnancy.
How long can eggs be stored?
Many countries limit the amount of time eggs can be stored. In Ireland, there is currently no limit. We can use the eggs for an embryo transfer up to the age of 51, in discussion with the clinical team.
What does egg freezing cost?
There are a few costs involved in egg freezing. The first is some fertility testing and a consultation with a fertility specialist (the Complete Fertility Check). If egg freezing is a viable option, the cost at Waterstone Clinic is €3,000 for one cycle or €5,500 for a double cycle. Once the eggs are collected, storage costs are an ongoing monthly cost of €25, paid by direct debit.
What is the treatment process?
The treatment process starts with your menstrual cycle. You will take daily hormones to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple follicles. When the ultrasound shows the follicles are the right size, the eggs are collected. The eggs are then vitrified (frozen) and stored at a very low temperature.
Is the treatment painful?
Some patients experience mild side effects when taking hormone injections (e.g. headaches or bloating). The egg collection procedure is performed under mild sedation to make sure you’re comfortable. You might have some cramp-like pain for a day or two after.
Will I need to do the process twice?
This will depend on your preferences, and on fertility results. You will discuss the likely number of eggs the consultant would expect to retrieve from your ovaries and make a plan together. You may be advised to have another cycle to bank enough eggs (ideally 15-20 eggs) for the optimum chance of success later.
Will I need time off work?
You will need to attend some short ultrasound appointments in the clinic as part of your treatment. You will need to take a day off for egg collection. Your normal routine can return the day after the egg collection procedure.
Susan’s Egg Freeze Experience
After reading an article about egg freezing in a magazine, Susan decided to go about preserving her fertility. Talking to Jennifer Zamparelli on 2fm, she describes the process involved.
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